Social Media Ideas for Real Estate Agents

20 Social Media Ideas for Real Estate Agents

Social media platforms are a minegold of potential clients for real estate agents. In fact, a survey shows that about 63% of agents use social media daily to engage with clients and promote their services and products. 

The same survey found that 38% of new real estate clients came through social media, an undeniable testament to these platforms’ immense lead generation potential. 

However, with over 90% of agents promoting their business on Facebook alone, competition is fierce. To stand out, agents have to be creative and differentiate their communication. 

Get inspired and stand out online with these 20 social media ideas for real estate agents.

1. Property Walkthrough Videos


People Checking the New House

Nothing emphasizes a property’s attractiveness like a virtual tour. Virtual tours enable buyers to feel the layout of a house and asses the size of rooms and furnishings from the comfort of their screens. 

These social media posts for realtors can be used on all platforms but are particularly suitable for video-oriented platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. 

You can provide a sequence of clips highlighting a different aspect of the property, such as a great kitchen or backyard. Videos showing you as the agent walking through the house add a personal touch to the videos. 

You can also utilize the platform’s features to enhance engagement, such as Facebook live video for live property tours where the audience can ask questions. 

To increase your chances of getting inquiries and leads, ensure your video is accompanied by elaborate captions and specific calls to action with an easily readable contact number or email address.

2. Behind the Scenes Content

Creating curiosity in marketing promotes engagement as clients want to learn more about the business. You can leverage curiosity marketing on social media by taking your followers on a behind-the-scenes tour of your daily activities. 

Show the audience what a real estate agent’s day looks like – the good, the bad, and the ugly. A candid look into your daily challenges and wins can create brand loyalty as a form of emotional marketing. 

 You could also post snippets of you and your team preparing for an open house or a professional event.

This type of real estate social media content is effective on platforms popular with video formats, such as TikTok and YouTube shorts.  

Behind-the-scenes can also become a series with regular weekly posts. Involving your followers in your work process fosters trust and credibility, making you more friendly and easy to relate to.

3. Polls and Quizzes

Social media users are bombarded with hundreds of images, videos, and texts daily. Stand out from the copy-and-paste approach by creating engaging polls and quizzes for your followers. 

These can be fun Q&A quizzes around real estate topics such as rising interest rates, the NAR lawsuit, or upcoming changes or developments. 

The more specific the poll or quiz, the easier it will be to engage with the right crowd. For instance, creating content specific to your locality will attract the right audience to your post. 

This ensures that respondents will most likely be the clientele you want to engage with. Let your call-to-actions work for you. At the end of the poll or quiz, you can ask participants to follow you, get in touch, or direct them to your website. 

Polls and quizzes also generate leads. Quizzes such as “What type of homebuyer are you?” provide an opportunity to ask for the participants’ contact information so that the results can be sent. These contact details can be used for continued marketing efforts such as email marketing.  

4. Client Testimonials

Client giving 1 start review

Social proof is an invaluable currency worth leveraging in your social media marketing efforts. Showcase glowing reviews left by previous clients to showcase your expertise.

The more information you can offer on the reviewer, the more authentic the review will come across. Ask permission to use the customer’s picture, company name, or even a video of them praising your work. 

Showcase these on every platform you use – videos do well on TikTok and Instagram. You can create a captivating image with the quoted review for Pinterest or LinkedIn. If the reviewer is on the platform, tag them and encourage them to like or comment on the post. 

Showcasing client reviews on social media is a testament to your prowess and can build your credibility, encouraging potential clients to engage with your services.  

5. Update Followers on Local Real Estate Happenings

Be the local expert and update your readers on the real estate market within your area. Whether it is a long post on average home prices or the best places to invest, market updates make you a one-stop shop for interested clients. 

Ensure these real estate social media posts are brief and well-presented, especially on LinkedIn and Facebook platforms where individuals may seek information. You can link to a blog article that has more information, a YouTube video, or, better yet, a podcast episode covering the real estate topic in depth. 

When presenting more complex information, such as statistics, you can use creative elements like gifs or skits to keep your audience engaged.

Positioning yourself as the go-to source for local market news will make you the first choice when local clients or their friends seek real estate services.

6. Neighborhood Spotlights

Researching a city’s real estate scene may be relatively easy, and Street View can even be used to check out the homes, streets, and shopping centers. However, getting information from the same channels on the latest buyers, sellers, property developments, or even crime rates is challenging. 

Neighborhood spotlights can propel you as a local favorite as they get information on certain streets, local laws affecting the real estate market, or even updates on the safest neighborhoods. 

These spotlights can also highlight important aspects such as the best neighborhoods for families versus for singles, churches and their histories, or even the best beer joints in the area.

Buyers new to these areas will find this real estate social media content especially helpful and may buy their home through you. 

The format can be videos or posts. To make it even more personalized, you can visit the place of interest, such as the oldest church in the area or old railway stations, and have a video taken of you there. 

Always remember to add a call to action or relate the neighborhood spotlight to a nearby listing to entice potential clients to view it. 

7. Personal Milestones

Engage your audience by documenting special occasions in your career, such as receiving a real estate honor. Personal triumphs make your audience feel part of your achievements and progress. 

Take inspiration from agents attending the eXp Icons Agent Award. They create content around preparation activities, taking a flight there, receiving the award, and interacting with other agents. 

If you’re comfortable doing so, you can also share other events from your life, such as getting married, an anniversary, or a new baby. 

These personal milestone posts foster a sense of community with your audience, which breeds brand loyalty. 

8. Answer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Through educative material, you can establish your expertise with your audience. Make posts or videos on real estate topics, especially current news-related ones. 

For instance, during the election period, investors, sellers, and buyers are concerned about its effects on the real estate market. 

You can be an authoritative source on housing regulations, infrastructure spending, and other legislation that may affect your local market.

These posts can be shared on Instagram stories, as LinkedIn posts, or pinned videos on TikTok. 

9. How-To Tips

As a real estate agent, you have been to numerous properties and seen what works and what doesn’t. Depending on your niche, you can share some of the knowledge you have gleaned in your career. 

Share tips on home decoration and staging with potential buyers and sellers. Such posts as ‘how to choose the right color scheme’ enable you to command expertise in the area. 

This type of real estate social media content is perfect for Instagram and Pinterest, which are based on the presentation of visual materials.

You can create a series on the best office lighting, best-kept backyards, or even unique doors you’ve come across. You can then offer tips on maintaining a backyard by conducting a short interview with the homeowner or showing your followers how to get good lighting in their office. 

How-to content is a creative approach to generating engagement. It offers opportunities to show your audience the quality of your listings while providing them value by teaching them something new.  

10. Contests and Giveaways

Give Away billboard

Running a fun contest or a giveaway is one way to attract a larger audience and gain followers.

The contest can be anything, from guessing the type of construction style of your new listing to asking the audience to comment on what kind of interior design they would choose for a listing’s living room. 

Additionally, real estate topics based on local businesses or seasonal events enhance people’s participation.

The comment with the highest likes can receive a simple gift, such as a key holder or a shoutout. The main idea is to engage followers and make them look forward to your next post.

Enable sharing on the post to reach as many users as possible. Utilize trending music, gifs, or memes as creative elements. 

11. Celebrating Client Success Stories

Engage with your clients’ achievements, such as buying their first house or selling a property. This will humanize your brand and give potential clients confidence in your skills and abilities.

Adding photos or videos of happy clients with their new homes will do better on social media. 

Celebrating your client’s success stories builds a positive image for your brand, showing you care about their wins. It can also serve as a testimonial to showcase your skills and rapport with clients, which can attract new leads. 

12. Showcase Local Real Estate Events

Sharing information about local community events around or affecting real estate can help you position yourself as an expert within the community. 

Most sellers and buyers want an expert on the local market on their team. That includes agents who stay informed on events that may affect the market. 

For instance, showcase these on your posts if an annual event affects rental prices or makes an area more suitable for short-term rentals than multi-family units. 

In this case, some great real estate post ideas would be videos or images from the vents and inform your followers of their relevance to the local market. 

You can also live stream events on Instagram or Facebook to give your audience real-time updates. If these events involve legislation updates or changes significantly affecting the market, you can break down any complexities.

Aim to offer value to your audience by showcasing your industry know-how and ensuring that they learn something new with each of your community event posts.

 It can be as simple as attending an event with the local real estate professional body and introducing the chairing committee on a video. 

Or as complex as educating your followers on license reciprocity in your state after showcasing an event from the local regulatory body.  

13. Infographics

Infographics are a fun and creative way to share complex info in a digestible format, especially on social media. 

You can easily make infographics on sites like Canva with information on market trends, buying a first home, or selling a home. 

Infographics are great for engagement as they help present information in a manner that is easy to understand. 

Such content works well on any platform, including LinkedIn and Pinterest, since users are interested in helpful and visually rich posts.

Ensure the designs are appealing and bear your brand’s logo and/or colors to increase your business’s credibility and enhance cohesive communication across all channels. 

14. Live Q&A Sessions

Using Facebook or Instagram to go live for a question-and-answer session is a great way to interact with your audience. 

You can respond to questions about the state of the housing market, information about buying houses, or the process of selling your property. 

Live sessions help create relationships and trust and help position you as an approachable and friendly expert. Advertise these sessions in advance and engage your followers to post their questions.

 The additional advantage of Live Q&As is that they build rapport with the viewers and provide them with valuable tips on real estate.

15. Real Estate Memes and Humor

Person asking question for 2 hrs

Humor sells, especially on social media posts for realtors. If you can make a post relatable and funny, you will get better engagement and more potential clients reaching out. 

Real estate memes can make your social media profiles enjoyable to follow and break the monotony of your usual posts. 

Memes depicting typical frustrations encountered when buying or selling a home can help break the formal façade of your brand and make it more friendly. 

You can get these as free images from Google’s Creative Commons pictures or from creating your own from meme generators online.

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16. Professional Advice Posts

LinkedIn is an excellent place to share professional advice. You can publish a short article addressing a significant concern in your niche or share insightful feedback on current affairs.

Contribute your knowledge about real estate topics, including future trends, mortgage industry changes, and home purchasing strategies. 

You can also address new graduates or licensees who are joining the industry. Offer tips for newbies on networking, acquiring listing, and marketing strategies that have worked for you. 

By sharing professional advice regularly, you strengthen your reputation as an expert and grow your online community.

17. Before and After – Home Improvement Project Ideas

Room renovation comparison

Sharing advice on minor home improvement projects can help draw the audience’s attention—for example, post suggestions for kitchen remodeling or lawn care. 

These posts are informative and engaging, especially if you are active on Instagram and Pinterest, as both favor visual content.

Partnering with local interior designers or contractors for additional professional advice is advisable.

In this way, you can target both current homeowners and potential buyers interested in learning how to renovate their homes.

18. Seasonal Real Estate Posts

Develop content likely to be of interest within a particular season about the real estate niche. Some real estate post ideas in the winter would be offering advice on staging a house in the cold season or providing information on spring cleaning before listing a home for sale.

You can also add posts related to festivities such as Christmas or the 4th of July. Get in the festive season by creating engaging posts, such as the best Christmas trees you have encountered in your profession.

These social media posts for realtors address your audience’s needs and offer actionable insights on seasonal issues such as spring cleaning or summer pest control. 

Seasonal real estate social media posts are also evergreen and may spike in interest yearly once the season rolls around. This keeps your content relevant for longer and drives organic traffic to your site.

19. Local Business Spotlights

Engage with local businesses by incorporating them into your posts. For instance, show a well-known coffee shop close to one of your properties or any other place that renters might find relevant. 

This strategy can help expand your reach by attracting clients not usually on your radar. You will also leverage the other brand’s following to showcase your services to a wider audience. 

You can also include businesses related to your real estate services, such as movers, home inspectors, and mortgage brokers, to offer your clients after-sale services. These spotlights will position you as a better service provider with more value to offer. 

20. Client Appreciation Posts

Your clients are your lifeline. Thanking them goes a long way toward fostering loyalty and rapport for future business. 

You can set aside a day in the week to thank at least one client who has bought or sold a property through you. 

It can be a simple quote with their picture or the picture of the listing they were interested in. 

Write a heartfelt thank you inviting them to do business with you again. If they are on the same platform, tag them so they can respond and increase engagement. 

Add a call to action encouraging your followers to engage with your services.

These real estate social media posts do as well as testimonial posts because they showcase your skills and that others are willing to trust you, which is social currency for your business.

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About The Author

Tomás Fonseca is the host of two popular podcasts in the real estate industry, including the Icons of Real Estate Podcast and the Ardor RE Marketing Podcast. Known for his charismatic hosting style and infectious positivity, Tomás brings his Portuguese charm to all of his interactions, making him a beloved figure in the community. Tomás loves to travel and to deliver high-quality content and valuable insights to his listeners.

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